Wednesday Oct 21, 2015
Nurse-led support for transitioning youths with heart disease to adult care services
Welcome to the EBN podcast. Dr. Joanna Smith, Associate Editor, will be taking a closer look at a commentary from the journal with an invited guest. These discussions are designed to help you think about issues raised in the article, as well as the clinical applicability of the original research paper. In this session, Dr Melissa McPheeters, a healthcare epidemiologist who has worked in evidence-based medicine and comparative effectiveness for over a decade and is based Vanderbilt Evidence-based Practice Center, Nashville, USA, discusses issues raised in her commentary on a clinical trial that examined a nurse-led intervention for supporting the transition of youths with heart disease to adult care services : As an expert in the field of evidence-based medicine, Dr Melissa McPheeters reflects on the study reviewed, and offers insightful comments and ideas that can be used in practice and policy.
Original research article: Mackie AS et al. Healthcare transition for youth with heart diseases: a clinical trial. Heart. 2014, 100;1113-1118).